Iris Homes

Gamuda Gardens is located at Km 4.4, Yen So Ward, Hoang Mai District, Hanoi - strategically located at the southern gate, easily connected to the city center as well as other areas.  

General Homes

Iris Homes is located on the edge of the Eden Subdivision, one of the main subdivisions of Gamuda Gardens. Inspired by a uniqueness of human philosophy and, based on the growth and survival characteristics of trees in nature, this message has been conveyed in a very natural and profound way.

Inspired by the traditional style attached to the green garden, harmony wind direction, water circuit, Iris Homes are designed optimally with 5 bedrooms, a moderate level of 3, 5 floors with well maintained traffic system.

In addition, each room in the Iris Homes has garden view, dust filter, suitable to enjoy and relax. Balconies, light direction logs, common living spaces are arranged reasonably, stury rooom or worship room is also focused. In particular, the large roof system is effective against heat and reduce the direct radiation of the sun into the house.

Handover time: expected in December 2018


Gamuda Gardens is located at Km 4.4, Yen So Ward, Hoang Mai District, Hanoi - strategically located at the southern gate, easily connected to the city center as well as other areas.



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