The THREE Central

Gamuda Gardens is located at Km 4.4, Yen So Ward, Hoang Mai District, Hanoi - strategically located at the southern gate, easily connected to the city center as well as other areas.  

General Information

The ThREE Central commercial shophouses were introduced by Gamuda Land Vietnam as a start-up shophouses, the perfect choice for a family and an ideal business location.

Unlike other urban areas designed to stay or use as a weekend venue, the ThREE Central commercial shophouses are completely different, a multi-functional model –for both living and working, right in the green area of Gamuda Gardens, next to the poetic Yen So Park.

The THREE Central commercial shophouse is designed from 130m2 to 270m2. With an average floor space of about 400m2, each space in the street house is designed to meet the needs of living and business.


Gamuda Gardens is located at Km 4.4, Yen So Ward, Hoang Mai District, Hanoi - strategically located at the southern gate, easily connected to the city center as well as other areas.


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